Labor Day Lectures 2016

Labor Day Lectures 2016
The Center for Experimental Lectures presents Andrianna Campbell, Taraneh Fazeli, Sb Fuller, Sara Magenheimer, and Em Rooney
Adult Contemporary presents Dia Felix and Jord/ana Rosenberg

Hosted by Shandaken: Storm King

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Storm King Visitor Center

Continuing at the Shandaken: Storm King campus

Tickets and camping free, but limited

Please join the Center for Experimental Lectures and Adult Contemporary at Shandaken: Storm King this Labor Day weekend for new lecture-performances by Shandaken Projects alumni Andrianna Campbell, Taraneh Fazeli, Sb Fuller, Sara Magenheimer, and Em Rooney; as well as readings by Jord/ana Rosenberg and Dia Felix; with a free barbecue offered by Shandaken: Storm King.

The day's program will convene at the Storm King Visitor Center at 3pm and continue in the evening at the campus of Shandaken: Storm King, a private area of Storm King contiguous to the Art Center. Limited passes for free entry are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests are invited to camp overnight, however only limited space is available.

Andrianna Campbell begins the day at 3pm at Storm King Art Center. Campbell, who was a resident of Shandaken: Storm King earlier this summer, will offer a guided tour of speculative artworks by over 20 contemporary artists. In her many years of making inquiries about contemporary cultural production, Campbell has formed significant relationships with the artists invited to participate in this experimental narrative. Campbell will present the speculative artworks, a collection that in sum offers a personal history and an imagined future, as stops on a walking tour. She addresses the aesthetics and histories that constitute a sculpture garden, as explored through the potential of this invisible work. Participating artists include Lucas Blalock, Antoine Catala, Ian Cooper, David Kennedy Cutler, Danielle Dean, Shannon Ebner, Andrea Geyer, Ethan Greenbaum, Steffani Jemison, Butt Johnson, Barbara Kasten, Thomas Lawson, Simone Leigh, Eva Lewitt, Glenn Ligon, Shana Lutker, Krm Mooney, Ken Okiishi, Rachel Rose, Hanna Sandin, Laurie Simmons, and Nari Ward.

Audience members are then invited to enjoy self-guided tours of the Art Center, and reconvene at Shandaken: Storm King, adjacent to the sculpture park, at 5:30pm.

Beginning at 5:30 on the campus of Shandaken: Storm King, Adult Contemporary will present Dia Felix and Jord/ana Rosenberg. Dia Felix will share poetry in progress. Themes may include heartbreak, nature, the road, the marvelous, New York mythology, gayness, the workplace, schizo culture, schizo couture, calories, and money. Jord/ana Rosenberg will read from The House of Waste, a speculative-fiction, outlaw history of the sex hormones.

After the Adult Contemporary program, Shandaken: Storm King will offer a free BBQ dinner. Guests are encouraged to bring their own beverages. Beginning at 7:30, the Center for Experimental Lectures will present a series of newly commissioned lecture-performances in the round by Taraneh Fazeli, Sb Fuller, Sara Magenheimer, and Em Rooney. In a departure from previous formats, these shorter presentations will unfold in succession with the audience surrounding the performer. Employing sculptural components, live and recorded voice, and movement, these lecture performances mine the possibilities produced by the absence of a fixed front and audience orientation.

Em Rooney will offer an audio-essay on the libido and American politics through the lens of personal relationships with popular media. This series of fictional and non-fictional vignettes will be embodied with props and prompts by the choreographer Mariana Valencia.

Sara Magenheimer will give a talk entitled Hearing voices = you're crazy / Not hearing voices = you're crazy that catalogues the variety of modes of voice she uses in her work and observes in the world, interweaving her relationship to her own voice with cinematic uses of the voice in disembodied voiceover.

Sb Fuller, in a lecture on cinematographic masochism and curatorial transparency, will introduce H/S, a new, mobile, collaborative exhibition space.

In relation to her current curatorial project Sick Time, Sleepy Time, Crip Time: Against Capitalism's Temporal Bullying Taraneh Fazeli considers temporalities of debility, disability, aging, and rest as resistive to capitalism and other forces of oppression. She invites those in attendance to consider our functional unity with other organism's umwelts (environment worlds), gesturing towards acts of care for other beings—both human and non-human.

Andrianna Campbell is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Art History at the CUNY Graduate Center, where she specializes in American art. Her doctoral research focuses on Norman Lewis and Abstract Expressionism in the post-World War II period. Alongside her scholarly research, she is the author of essays and reviews on contemporary art for Artforum, Art in America, Even, and Frieze. Campbell was the coeditor of Shift: A Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture, a special 2016 edition of the International Review of African American Art dedicated to Norman Lewis; and is currently a co-founder of the Apricota journal. She was a resident at Shandaken: Storm King in 2016.

Taraneh Fazeli is a curator, educator, editor, and researcher with a practice that emerges from legacies of institutional critique and radical pedagogy. She is a critic in residence at the Museum of Fine Art Houston's Core Program (2015-17). She studied at the Cooper Union and previously worked within the New Museum's Education Department (2012-15), was a Contributing Editor to Triple Canopy (2011-12), and was the Managing Director of e-flux (2008-11), where she oversaw publications such as art-agenda and organized exhibitions with artists including Raqs Media Collective, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, and Mladen Stilinovi?. Recent curatorial projects include "Temporary Center for Translation" (2014, New Museum) and "Occupied Territory: A New Museum Trilogy" (2014). Fazeli was a resident at Shandaken: Storm King in 2016.

Dia Felix is a writer and filmmaker. She is author of the Lambda-nominated experimental novel Nochita, published on City Lights/Sister Spit in 2014. Areas of interest include romance, celebrity, obsession, decadence, modernity, and rock-n-roll. She's screened films and read at very many places including Segue, Radar Reading Series, Albertine Books, and The Poetry Project at St. Marks. She's published recently with Ping Pong, journal of the Henry Miller Library, The Feminist Wire, and Asterix. She curates a pan-genre literary performance series, GUTS, at Dixon Place, and founded and heads the maybe-fictional enterprise Personality Press. She's from California and lives in East Harlem, New York.

Sb Fuller is an artist and curator living and working primarily in sculpture and photography. He holds an MFA in Sculpture from Virginia Commonwealth University, a BA in Art Criticism from Florida State University, and attended the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture. The recipient of a Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship, he has exhibited and published work internationally and his work is held in numerous private collections, including the Museum of Modern Art Library Collection. Fuller is the director of H/S, a mobile collaborative exhibition space and was a 2016 a resident at Shandaken: Storm King.

Sara Magenheimer has widely exhibited, performed, and screened her work. Recent exhibitions include White Columns, Foxy Production, Document, Chapter NY, Interstate Projects, 247365, and Cleopatra's. She was the recipient of a 2014 Rema Hort Mann Foundation Grant, 2015 Artadia Grant, and winner of the Prix De Varti at the 2015 Ann Arbor Film Festival. Her time-based work is distributed by Video Data Bank. Upcoming exhibitions include Art In General's New Commissions in Riga, Latvia and a solo exhibition at The Kitchen in New York. She participated in a summer intensive at the Shandaken Project in 2014.

Jord/ana Rosenberg is an Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. They are the recipient of fellowships and awards from the Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation, The Ahmanson Foundation/J. Paul Getty Trust, The Society for the Humanities at Cornell University, and the Clarion Foundation/Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Workshop. They are the author of Critical Enthusiasm: Capital Accumulation and the Transformation of Religious Passion (Oxford University Press, 2011). Rosenberg's fiction, experimental prose, and scholarly work have recently appeared in Fence, The Common, Salvage Quarterly, PMLA, GLQ, and Theory & Event. Their current project, The House of Waste, is a theory/fiction hybrid. Based on original research, The House of Waste draws from Enlightenment-era dictionaries of thieves' slang to counterfeit a gothic history of testosterone synthesis as narrated by the 18th-century's most notorious prison-break artist.

Em Rooney received a BA from Hampshire College in 2005 and an MFA from Tyler School of Art in 2011. In 2012 she attended the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture. Recent and upcoming exhibitions include The Vanity East (Los Angeles), Raising Cattle (Montreal), Bodega (New York), Columbus College of Art and Design (Columbus), Andrew Edlin Gallery (New York), Bannerette (Brooklyn), The Good Press Gallery (Glasgow), Vox Populi (Philadelphia). Her writing has appeared in Art Papers, Performa Magazine, and The St. Claire. Rooney was a resident at Shandaken: Storm King in 2015.

Shandaken: Storm King offers free, process-focused residencies to cultural practitioners who work in an interdisciplinary capacity or affect change in their respective disciplines. This program is administrated by Shandaken Projects and held on the grounds of Storm King Art Center.

The Center for Experimental Lectures is an artist's project initiated by Gordon Hall that provides a platform to engage with the public lecture as a format. Since 2011 the Center for Experimental Lectures has commissioned 26 new lecture-performances at a variety of venues including Alderman Exhibitions (Chicago), Recess (NYC), MoMA PS1, and at the Whitney Museum of American Art presenting Seminars with Artists in conjunction with the 2014 Whitney Biennial. This is the fifth annual Labor Day collaboration with Shandaken Projects, also hosted last year at Storm King Art Center. Starting in 2016 Joseph Lubitz joins Gordon Hall as an organizing collaborator at the CEL. An archive including video and written transcripts can be found on the archive page of the website at

Adult Contemporary is a mobile reading and performance series where artists, academics, performers, poets, and oral historians come together in conversation. Organized by Katherine Brewer Ball and Svetlana Kitto since 2013, Adult Contemporary has hosted over fifty artists and writers at a variety of spaces including Hullabaloo Books, Abrons Art Center, Creative Time, Molasses Books, and Shandaken: Storm King. Adult Contemporary asks participants to "read" in whatever way they see fit, to use the platform to experiment in form, to give us words, movements, sounds or textures. More at

As seen at second from top, © 2017 The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York