Quilting Workshop by Elissa Goldstone
Saturday, August 9, 2014
The Shandaken Project
300 Route 42, Shandaken, NY
This workshop led by artist Elissa Goldstone is perfect for beginners looking to learn the ABC's of quilting and sewing in a casual, haphazard manner. It will also be ideal for anyone who would like to start a new quilt project or have some nice company while working on a pre-existing project. Due to limited machine availability, hand-sewing is encouraged! Fabric, patterns, and loose talk will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring any fabric or gossip that they wish to work with.
Quilting is a practical and social action that has become deeply rooted in communal traditions. During the program, we will practice quilting together but other craft-based projects—weaving, knitting, beading, and more—are also welcome.
Meals and snacks for this event will be sponsored by 2014 resident Chloé Rossetti, in the spirit of meal sponsorship at Dergah al-Farah, where Rossetti is a dervish in the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order. This dergah provides around 20
iftars [meals] every Ramadan, each for up to 50 people. The dervishes take turns sponsoring these meals for the whole community. This reduces the burden on the dergah, and allows everyone to eat for free at each event. It is Rossetti's hope that the residents, guests, and supporters of Shandaken Projects may follow suit.