Not Objects in the Landscape, but a Landscape of Objects by Gavin Kroeber

Not Objects in the Landscape, but a Landscape of Objects by Gavin Kroeber
A part of Wanderings and Wonderings

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Storm King Art Center

Not Objects in the Landscape, but a Landscape of Objects is a lecture, a walk, and an open conversation exploring the landscape of Storm King, led by curator and critic Gavin Kroeber. Turning attention from Storm King's renowned collection of monumental artworks to the meadows, forests, and mountains against which they stand in relief, we will explore the ways Storm King frames the natural world and influences our relationship to it. What can be revealed when we experience Storm King not as a series of objects in the natural landscape but as a landscape of objects—both natural and man-made?

In 2013, Storm King Art Center launched a program called Wanderings and Wonderings, inviting scholars, artists, and performers to engage with their collection and grounds in unique new ways. Shandaken Projects is pleased to have made four selections for the 2015 edition of this program, and to invite you to the first of these collaborations with our new partner.

Gavin Kroeber is a curator and critic whose work focuses on art, urbanism, and landscape. His talks, writings, and projects draw in equal measure upon visual art, urban theory, performance, and cultural studies, using and abusing the tools of each to understand and challenge dynamics of culture and power. Recent and upcoming projects and texts include "Experience Economies: Landscape Experience," a two-week session at the Mildred's Lane art complex, "The Event Landscape," an essay in the journal PAJ's special section on "urban dramaturgies," and "At Home He's a Tourist," a series of unorthodox dialogues orchestrated for One Architecture Week in Plovidv, Bulgaria. He lives in New York City's over-hyped inner periphery and is half of the curatorial collaborative Experience Economies (with Rebecca Uchill).

Shandaken Projects and Storm King Art Center collaborate on Wanderings and Wonderings programs presented in 2015. This public program invites poets, artists, scholars, and performers to engage Storm King's visitors, collection, and grounds through creative exploration. Wanderings and Wonderings is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.

Photographs 1 through 7 courtesy the artist and Chris Kissock.